Hermantown High School
Hermantown High School Profile 2024-25
Hermantown is a community of 9,414 citizens located in northeastern Minnesota near the city of Duluth. Students attending Hermantown Community Schools reside in the city of Hermantown or area townships and the district consists of 1,973 students with 698 students enrolled in Hermantown High School.
The graduating class of 2025 must earn 24 credits to graduate. Students need to earn 4 credits in English and Social Studies, 3 credits in Math and Science, 1.5 credits in Physical Education, 1 credit in Fine Arts, and .5 credit in Health. Grades are unweighted and there are no designated honors classes. Cadet grades are not computed in the grade point average for class rank. The letter grade scale is as follows:
A=4.0, A-=3.7, B+=3.3, B=3.0, B-=2.7, C+=2.3, C=2.0, C-=1.7, D+=1.3, D=1.0, D-=0.7, F=0.
Academic departments include Art, Business Education, Career and Technology Education, English, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education/Health, Science, Social Studies, Special Education, and World Language. Students can earn up to 51 college credits in our College-in-the Schools and dual enrolled courses which include Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Chemistry, Sociology, Psychology, World History, Anatomy, English, Spanish, Humanities, and Computer Science.
There are numerous extracurricular opportunities in both activities and athletics. Many teams and individuals have qualified for state tournament competitions in the past decade. Recent state champions in athletics include the Boy’s Hockey team in 2007, 2016, 2017, and 2022, the Girl’s Hockey team in 2021, the Boy’s Track team in 2005, the Softball team in 2009, and the Alpine Ski Team in 2012. Hermantown students also have participated in and had success in State Speech meets, One-Act Drama competitions, Knowledge Bowl, Math League, Robotics and other activities.
Approximately 45% of the 2024 Hermantown graduates planned to attend a four-year college with an additional 35% planning to attend a technical or two-year college. Hermantown graduates from 2024 received over $1.0 million in reported scholarships. The average ACT composite score for 2023-24 was 23.3, well above the state average of 20.8 and the national average of 19.5.
Hermantown is known as the city of quality living with the schools being the center of the community. The smaller community allows for personal interaction among staff, students, and parents.
Phone: 218-729-8874
Fax: 218-729-0180
School Hours: 7:55 AM - 2:45 PM (M, Tu, Th, F) // 7:55 AM - 2:15 PM (W)
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM
To report your student late, ill, appointment, or early release:
Attendance Line: 218-626-6300
Attendance Email: hsattendance@isd700.org
4335 Hawk Circle Drive
Hermantown, MN 55811
Student/Parent Information